Tuesday, May 27, 2014

About Me

Hey Everyone!
  I am Mark, and this is a little bit about me and my family.

 My wife and I have been married for just over 6 years, have 2 amazing children, and live in Payson, UT. Our little boy just turned 3 in April, and our little girl will be turning 1 in June. We love spending time outside on our boat, or at the park, and enjoy being active. I currently work in real estate, and coach football at the high school level.
I love football and hope that one day it can become my career instead of just a 2nd full time job that pays like a month of regular work. I am in the Teaching and Learning With Technology program and hope that it will help me get a job with a university down the road. I would love to teach online classes, or would even consider teaching in the classroom.

I was a fairly good student throughout my K-12 years and ended up graduating with honors. I actually really enjoyed school, most of the time, and had a pretty good experience. I had a couple of teachers who I especially liked and feel like they impacted me the most; I think they were most impactful because they were the ones who believed in me the most. Positive reinforcement can go a long way, and they seemed like friends more than teachers to me. They were positive about my future and wanted me to do great things in life. I am actually still in contact with both of them today.

One of my favorite quotes, which can also be related to education, is from Vince Lombardi. He said "practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect". This quote can be related to so many different things because it doesn't matter how many times you do something, if you are doing it wrong you will never get better at it. In education it is important for teachers, leaders, and administrators to be confident in what they are doing, and making sure they are constantly assessing and looking for ways to improve. We need to get better in order for us to help our students become better.

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